Fred Reddiough and Anthony Waterworth were making their way along the Boat Deck, after the ship had gone on The Scar, when they met Canon Gwyder going in the opposite direction. With the tilt of the ship, waves were washing over the stern and the priest was clearly moving into danger. They both warned him without a word he passed on his way.

The Very Reverend Canon Robert Gwyder was 48 years of age. A native of Langford in Ireland, he became a member of the Benedictive Order of Monks and at one time taught Greek in their collage of Douai.

In 1899 he was appointed Rector of St. David’s Church in Swansea and Missioner of St. Michael’s Catherdral at Belmont in Hereford. Over the years he became a prominent figure in the Catholic Church and identified with the National Catholic Congress.

At his age and in his position he need never have been in the war at all, but he volunteered as a Fleet Chaplain at the declaration and was attached to the Rohilla.

On the voyage, he had spent some time with the ship’s only patient, Nicholson, and he was on his way to be with him when he passed Fred and Anthony.

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Copyright © Ken Wilson 1981